Garden room add value

What can you use a garden room for?

Garden Gyms

What can you use a garden room for?

With the better weather, many of us are enjoying our gardens with our families and friends. Gardens are a beautiful calming space and can be a utopia, especially in an urban area. 

Have you thought about utilising your garden space and building a garden room? Garden rooms are a fantastic way to make the most of your property, adding functional space and also increasing the value of your home. The great thing is that most of the time you don’t need planning permission for garden rooms as long as you follow the appropriate guidelines. If you would like to learn more then please see our planning page here


What can you use a Garden room for? 

There are many fantastic ways to use a garden building, and we are passionate about creating bespoke rooms that fit your specific needs. The sky is the limit often, and you can be as creative as you like with your garden room. Some uses are:

  • As an office
  • As a home gym 
  • As an entertainment room 
  • As a hobby room 
  • As a studio 


Read on to see some of our favourite ways that you could use your garden room: 


Garden office 

With more and more of us being able to work flexibly, having a suitable workspace at home has become a must. It is important to have a workspace that is free from distractions and will help you to be productive. Why do garden rooms make great garden offices? You can enjoy all the comforts of home with network connection, appropriate technology and comfortable desk space. Being apart from your living space, they offer privacy and professionalism while still maintaining home and worklife balance.

Home gym 

Using your garden room as a home gym is a practical way to have a tailored workout. Being able to create your own workout area away from anyone else, and right on your doorstep, is a great way to motivate you to get moving and look after your health. If you would like some inspiration, take a look at one of our recent garden room projects that have been utilised as a home gym

Garden Studio 

A garden room is a perfect place to have a studio. An artist can use the space to create art, a therapist can use it as a room to welcome clients and if you practice yoga a garden room works really well as a yoga studio. Creating a room with lots of light can encourage workflow and including lots of storage leaves you with a home for everything.    

Hobby room 

Hobbies have been proven to help reduce stress, lower anxiety and help to separate us from the pressures of everyday life. Whether you love to paint, make models, do woodwork, write, read books, or sew, having a creative space to engage with your hobby is a joyful way to use your garden room. Often hobbies come with a lot of equipment or materials that can overtake your home, so having a dedicated area to enjoy practising your interest can help to include your hobby in your list of priorities. 

Guest room 

If you want a room to host friends and family, using your garden room gives everyone their privacy and much more space than having to squeeze into the main house with the rest of the family. Having a beautiful garden room will keep your guest feeling comfortable, and give them a change from sleeping on the sofa. Completely insulated garden rooms mean that they will be able to enjoy their visit even in winter and the colder months. 

BnB room

Do you live in a desirable tourist area? Or would like to make some income from your property? Having a space that you can utilise as a holiday let is a smart way to use your garden room, especially around Brighton and the Sussex area. Having a separate building to host your paying guests gives everyone their privacy, while still allowing you to be close enough to assist if needed.  


If you need some extra room for your kids to spread out and reclaim some of the space in the house, then this is a perfect way to use your garden room. Allowing children the freedom to use the garden room to explore their interests and creative play can help their development and strengthen their sense of self. 

Entertainment room 

Do you love having film or game nights but don’t have the space? Having your garden room as an entertainment space will keep all the family happy. There are multiple options depending on how you like to spend your free time, from pool tables and darts to projectors and big screens. Everyone will be clamouring to come and spend time in your entertainment room. 

If you are interested in how a garden room could be tailored to suit you and your family’s needs then please get in touch with our team today on: 01273 025510 or

We would be happy to talk to you about how you could use a garden room to increase the use and value of your home. 


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